One thing needed

The Lord always knows what is best for us. We just sit at His feet, listen to His words, communicate with Him daily, and He can make our path flourish.

But we are often busy in a bunch of trivia, such as sending children to school, attending a business meeting, making a sales plan, and so on. The same is true in the church. There are many things to deal with – to help the poor, to find the lost, and to heal the sick. But do you know? This kind of trivial matter will be looked after by the Lord, as long as we put Him first, sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teachings.

How did Jesus respond to Mathar’s complaint that her sister only knew to sit at His feet and not help her to serve the Lord? “Martha, Martha, you are bothered by many things. But there is only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen the good part, it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

However, many of us are like Martha. We are worried about many things. We are too busy to sit at the feet of Jesus, communicate with Him, and listen to His teachings. When we don’t rely on Him, we can only rely on our own strength and wisdom to solve problems. But your plan can never be better than God’s plan.

My dear friends, when you make a decision, do you want God’s wisdom and plans to get involved? Then, like Mary, choose the good part, spend time with Jesus,  draw near to Him, seek His presence, listen to Him. You will find that the Lord will take care of  your problems, teaching you and guiding you to the path of righteousness.