Healing after prayer

Recently a sister had a polyp on a part of her body. There was pain nearby. She once told me that she had so much pain that she wanted to go away, and she also had hurts in another part of the body. She had to do a biopsy, and she was afraid that she got cancer or pre-cancer. She asked me to pray for her. After praying, the pain went away short time later. The biopsy result was also normal. I was thinking to ask her how she was the next day. She told me that day beforehand that the pain went away and the biopsy was normal. At the beginning of this year, she had head dizziness and stomachache, and the Lord healed her after prayer. Thank the Lord, all glory to the Lord. 🙏😊

Not long ago, another sister had pain in her right wrist due to moving things. She asked me to pray for her. After some time, I asked her how the pain was. She told me that the pain was totally gone the day before, she was thinking to tell me that day and I asked her first instead. She had periodontal swelling and pain in February this year. After praying, she was healed and thank the Lord and glory to Him. 🙏😊

I prayed for different people’s sickness and pains, such as headache, back pain, lower back pain, foot pain, head dizziness, numbness of arms, allergies, stomach pain, toothaches, etc. the Lord healed them. If you have sickness or pain, please go to the “Healing prayer request” page and send me a message. I will pray for you and ask the Lord to heal you.