Chest pain got healed after prayer

A sister told me that a brother had chest pain often after he received the second shot of the Covid vaccine, she asked me to pray for this brother. I often prayed for him. Nearly a month later, she asked the brother’s wife, and learned that this brother got much better, thank the Lord.
The first miracle performed by the Lord Jesus was to turn water into wine. He had no intention of doing it, but because of request, intercession of his mother Mary, the Lord Jesus performed the miracle. Here we see the importance of intercession.
Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14)
Here James told the sick to ask the elders of the church to pray for them to get healed.
The Lord Jesus revealed to a sister that we can still ask his mother Mary to intercede. This sister testified that after she asked Mary to pray, her life changed a lot. I mentioned earlier that I prayed for the brother’s chest pain, and I also asked Mary to intercede. The result is good. We can ask the pastor, brothers and sisters to intercede, we can also ask Mary to intercede.
All glory to the Lord. 🙏😊