He laughs with you at the antics of the new puppy, and cries with you when you must say good bye to your beloved pet. Oh, He is so present to you, my friend, so familiar to you, you don’t even notice Him – but He is here. When someone passes away, He upholds you with infusions of peace, allowing you to go through the steps of saying good-bye to your loved one. He slowly releases the sorrow in you, so you are not overwhelmed. When He brings a new life into your womb, He provides all that is needed to raise that child.
Oh, everything He does is underpinning Your life, and He is so close…and so much a part of you, you don’t recognize Him, until it is His time to reveal His presence to you. Then the joy of discovery is there. “You WERE there when my mother passed! You WERE there when I made that career decision that changed my life! You WERE there when I went to the pound to get a kitten. You have ALWAYS been there, and I never knew it. You were there in the ER when I thought I was dying, and You held me securely so that fear did not overwhelm me. You were there when I was all alone after that abusive relationship. You were even there during that, waiting for me to say ‘enough!'”
You gave me the courage to begin a new life! You encouraged me that I COULD do it. You were there when I walked into the thrift store needing new clothes with only a few dollars and You filled my bag with everything I needed! In fact, You were the one who inspired the wealthy lady to get rid of those beautiful clothes she never wears. You even measured the timing, so I would walk in just as they were putting her clothes on the rack.
You knew I needed a car, and You brought me just what I needed, and then when it broke down You gave me favor with the mechanic to repair it for less than the going rate. You even moved on his heart so that I could manage payments.
You have been with me, all along, and I’ve never known it. Even when life seemed unfair, You were with me encouraging me to move on without looking back. You were there in the glorious sunset and there when three deer walked out into the meadow. You even arranged that cardinal singing outside my window, sparkling with frost in the early morning light.
Yes, You do all things well and now You have come to invite me into Your world, never to feel alone again? Amazing!